Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So Aaron has started school again. The next couple of months are going to be rough. Me and the kids are going to be on our own. We have been so spoiled to have him all summer that this is going to be hard. Oh well I know that in the end it will be totally worth it.
So Braiden has started crawling!! He is into everything and I think him learning how to crawl is just the beginning of what a boy can become. He basically crawls to a place that can help him stand up and then he stands up and proceeds to try and let go to see if he can do it. I have a brave boy on my hands.
Sophie is my little helper. She is learning how to share especially with her brother. I can't believe that she is two and half. She is growing up so much. She is learning so much everyday. I am starting a preschool with a few of my friends who have kids her age. I think that it will be a great adventure for her.
As for me, I am doing well. I have had a great summer and can't wait for the rest of the year to come. I am hoping that it will be just as fun as the summer. I don't know what it is but we have just had a fun and enjoyable summer. (Maybe because Aaron was not in school, hopefully not the case) We still have some summer left and what we have planned will be just as fun. I am so grateful for all the blessing that I have in my life, especially my kids and husband. My family is the greatest blessing I could have.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Amazing Summer!

Wow this summer has been an awesome one!! We just got back from California and it was such a relaxing vacation. We went to the beach almost everyday, only because we could see it from our window. We rented a condo on the beach with my mom and it was perfect. We could hear the waves all night crash on the beach. We also went to Sea World where we saw Shampoo (according to Sophie). She couldn't leave without Shampoo and so we had to get her a small Shamu to take home. She is so adorable. Later in the week we went to Disneyland. The most priceless moment was when Sophie saw Mickey, she could not keep her eyes off of him. When it was her turn all she could say was Minnie, Minnie, Minnie. I am assuming it is because we had just seen her. Mickey and Minnie are both her favorites. We also rode a bike that carried all 4 of us on it along the beach, that was so fun. Braiden had this cute little bike helmet that he wore and he wore it proudly. Can I just say that he is the best baby. He was so patient this whole vacation just sitting in his stroller or on the beach soakin in the sun. He hardly was fussy and if he was it was because he was hungry. Even the drive down and back both kids were surprisingly very good.

I think the main reason that this summer has been so fun is because of the kids. I have loved taking them to the park and playing with them everyday. Or just going outside and playing in our little pool that we have. Or even when we take our walks in the morning before the day starts. I love being outside with them and enjoying the sun. Another main thing that is making this summer so wonderful is that Aaron has taken the summer off of school. What a blessing that has been for our little family who needed their dad. It is only the end of June, so I am hoping that the rest of the summer is going to be just as amazing.

Wishing everyone else the best summer ever.

- Mandy

Friday, January 7, 2011

Braiden Taylor Arthur

Wow it has been forever since I have posted anything. I guess I am going to try and get this started again. It could be because we just had our second child 3 months ago. His name is Braiden Taylor Arthur. He is so handsome. I love him so much. I thought that I couldn't love any one other than Aaron and than Sophie came into our life and my love just expanded to include her. Since Braiden came it has expanded even more. My life is pure bliss and joy. We have had our ups and downs this past year but I would never trade any of our experiences or our children for anything. I love our children and the happiness that they bring to me.

Sophie at age 2 has so much fun. It is amazing how much a child learns and grows in just 2 years. She is so sweet and tries so hard to be a good girl (she tries to say that it is so cute). I love how she tries and talks and tries to tell us things. She has all kinds of sounds and gestures for things along with words. I am a believer of if they want something they will let you know!!

Braiden is such a patient little fellow, he has to be with his sister around. He loves to babble on when you encourage him. He also just started giggling, especially when we start to tickle him by his neck. Oh he is so precious.

As for Aaron and I we are just trying to get through life. Aaron goes to school part time and works full time. Last semester sometimes it felt like he only slept here. We are hoping this Spring Semester will be a lot better. All I have been doing is take care of the kids and our home. That is what I asked for and begged for when I stopped working. I also just started helping my mom with her new business Releve Dance Competitions ( This is our first year and we are trying to make it better than ever.

Well I am hoping that this post will not be the last. Maybe I can make it a goal to write each week, we will see. At least monthly is a good goal.

Talk to you all again soon.