Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Our New Baby Girl

Ok so I have started a blog for our family. I think that having a new baby in my life makes me want to share her with everyone. She is so wonderful and makes us so happy and so I just have to share her with all of you. Her name is Sophie Maree Arthur and she is so precious I just can't get over it.
Being a new mother is such an amazing experience and I would never give it up for anything. What a great experience it is to have a new precious child come into your life. I just look at her and I know that she is counting on me to help her through this tough road of life. It is so amazing how my outlook on life has changed. I do everything for her now. Selfishness has turned to selflessness as I try to do all that I can to please her and make her happy. Yes there are some rough times and there are some hard times but it is all worth it as I look into her face and have a growing love for her each day.

We also have just moved into a new house in Saratoga Springs. We closed on it at the end of October and we moved in the beginning of December. We wanted to fix it up, paint it, put in new carpet and laminate flooring. It was a lot of work and I owe it all to my wonderful husbund who made it possible. He worked throughout that whole month every night after work transforming our house into something that we could enjoy and love.
How exciting it is to have a new house and a new baby. Things have been going so well for us, we have been so blessed. We are so happy and cannot ask for anything more. Everything that we have ever wanted we have. What a great life we have!